2024: How To Use a Popcorn Machine - Reventals Event Rentals
  • 2024: How To Use a Popcorn Machine

    Looking to jazz up your party or event? Popcorn is the perfect addition! It’s easy, affordable, and guaranteed to be a hit. But if you’re scratching your head about how to use that popcorn machine, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered with simple Popcorn Maker Instructions below, showing you exactly how to make popcorn in a machine. Let’s get popping!

    How to Use a Popcorn Machine?

    1. Heat the kettle for 7-9 minutes.
    2. Pour the oil into the kettle.
    3. Test a few kernels.
    4. When ready, put the rest of kernels in and shut the lid.
    5. When the popping ends, dump the kettle and enjoy!

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    Popcorn Machine Serving Sizes – How much popcorn will a popcorn machine make? How much oil do I use in a popcorn machine?

    For each person, you need approximately 2 tablespoons or 1 oz of kernels.  That will make about 3.5 cups of popcorn.

    Size of Machine Amount of Oil Quantity of Kernels Amount of Popcorn Servings
    4 oz  1/4 cup 1/2 cup 14 cups 4
    6 oz  1/4 cup 3/4 cup 21 cups 6
    8 oz 1/3 cup 1 cup 28 cups 8
    12 oz 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cups 42 cups 12
    14 oz 1/2 cup 1 3/4 cups 49 cups 14
    16 oz 2/3 cup 2 cups 56 cups 16

    What types of popcorn machines are available to rent?

    There are two types of machines that you can rent:  Tabletop and Cart

    The two machines work the same, they just look different. The popcorn cart has a vintage look to it, making it great for themed parties. The tabletop is for those times when you have limited space. The machines range from $65-$90 per day.

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    What type of oil do I use in a popcorn machine?

    Coconut oil is said to be the preferred because it tastes the best and burns clean. Some people prefer canola because its lower in fat and cholesterol. You can also use sunflower, peanut and soy oil. Stay away from vegetable oil because it cannot take the heat and can catch on fire.

    Is plain or flavored popcorn better? 

    Keeping your popcorn plain is the healthiest option. You can always add the usual butter and salt to add flavor. If you like to change things up a bit, check out these recipes for savory popcorn seasonings. And if you’re like me and have a sweet tooth, you might like this recipe better.

    how to use a popcorn machine

    What do I serve my popcorn in?

    Most rentals companies sell the popcorn cups or bags for very little cost. If you have a special theme in mind you can easily DIY your own cups. All you need is some brown paper lunch bags and stickers or some cute paper and washi tape. Check out our Pinterest board for ideas here. 

    Fun Popcorn Facts:

    • Popcorn goes back over 5000 years. It has not only been used as a snack, but also for decorative and ceremonial purposes.
    • The unpopped kernels at the bottom of your bowl are called “old maids”
    • In ancient times, people would make popcorn by heating sand in a fire and then stirring kernels of popcorn in the hot sand.
    • If you measure by volume, popcorn is Americas favorite snack.
    • A single kernel pops with such force that it can be propelled up to 3 feet in the air.
    • Each tiny kernel contains just a small amount of water, and when that reaches a certain temperature, the water turns to steam and the kernel POPS!

    Looking for popcorn party ideas, check out our blog Ticket to a Fantastic Outdoor Movie Party

    kids eating popcorn

    Candace Leak

    Candace is a 3x Start-up Founder and Certified Event Rental Professional (CERP). She geeks out on brainstorming bold ideas and then actually brings some of them to life. She is currently the CEO of Reventals, where her mission is to reduce overconsumption by making it as easy to rent as it is to buy.

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